Thursday, February 11, 2010

What I am Reading

I LOVE to read! It is often how I end my nights, before I go to sleep. A friend asked me earlier what I am reading right now and I told her I would post it on the blog, so here it is for anyone who is interested!

I'm actually in the middle of 4 different books right now. Sometimes I do that - get into several at the same time. I don't know why, but anyway...

1. The non-fiction book I'm reading is called Loved By God, by RC Sproul. I usually try to alternate (or in this case, read at the same time) fiction/non-fiction to make sure that I'm not just tuning out or retreating into my imagination all of the time - tempting as that may be! I know that I need to use God's gift of reading not just for entertainment, but also to better myself and to grow into more of the person He wants me to be! I do think this is a very good and beneficial book, but it is taking me a long time to read it. It's not very long, I think I'm just having a hard time getting into it - you know how it is sometimes. I have learned some great things though and I'm making myself finish it because I know it's good for me! Discipline!

2. I've realized as I'm typing this that 3 out of the 4 books I'm reading are non-fiction, but totally different kinds. The second one I'm into is one I'm reading with a group of moms in my area. It's called The Bathtub is Overflowing but I Feel Drained! written by Lysa Terkurst. I'm enjoying this one a lot and so far, I would recommend it to any momma out there who ever feels overwhelmed , under-encouraged, or inept for the job (aka all of you)!

3. The last non-fiction I'm reading is a true crime story called Power to Hurt by Darcy O'Brian. It's an awful story involving a very corrupt, small-town justice system. I'm reading this because it happened in Stephen's hometown of Dyersburg, Tennessee and his dad was on the police force at the time and was involved in the take-down of the corrupt politicians! Crazy!

4. The fiction book I'm reading is Gone With the Wind. No, I have never read it before and I haven't even seen the movie believe it or not! I am absolutely in love with this book though! It is fabulous and I'm so glad I finally decided to dive into this classic, no matter how long it is!! I LOVE IT!

So, there you have it. I'll try to keep a running log (or blog, ha ha) of what I'm reading so you can see if anything strikes your fancy!! Ta ta, for now!! :)


Leigh Ann said...

I love seeing people's reading lists!! I'm like you though, I constanty have more than one book going. I need diversity ;)

Thanks for posting your reading list. I will definitely be looking into the book about Dyersburg, TN.I don't think I even knew there was a book about that scandal.

Anonymous said...

Whoa! Four at one time?! That would be like walking and chewing gum at the same time. Not for me! ;)

I'm kidding. I'm impressed. I have a hard time with non-fiction. You're right though, i should probably try to alternate too. I just love getting into a great story i can't put down!

Gone with the Wind? I've never even picked it up. Worth it though? I don't think i've seen the movie either. I love mysteries/detective stories/a little romance/YA fiction is my fave though.

I just started the Charlie Bone series. It's supposed to be one of those "If you like Harry Potter, you'll like Charlie Bone" series. We'll see. :)

Dustin and i also finished the Percy Jackson series. i read all five books in about two weeks. Loved them. You like HP, right? You'd probably like these too. We're going to see the movie on Thursday night for my bday. Excited.