Sorry, no pictures again! My camera is totally dead for some reason. I just tried plugging it in and...nothing! So, you'll just have to read my ramblings again. I realize the lack of pictures may result in less people reading this, but that's a chance I'll just have to take! (Most times, what I have to say probably isn't worth reading anyway but this time, I think it might be!)
Life is crazy! I don't agree with using busyness as a badge of honor or a boast of how hard we've been working or anything like that. There's just been a lot going on in the Cavness household lately. And, true to His character, God has packed this craziness with instruction and wisdom for me to pick up on and treasure. Instead of starting at the beginning, I think I'll go ahead and give you what I think the culmination of these lessons is from His word in Philippians 1:20-21 - "as is is my eager expectation and hope that I will not be at all ashamed, but that with full courage now as always Christ will be honored in my body, whether by life or by death. For to me to live is Christ and to die is gain."
Like I said, there's been a lot going on here lately, probably the most prominent being that the church decided to replace all the carpet in the parsonage (our house) with wood laminate flooring and to re-tile both bathrooms. In other words, every floor in the house! This was, of course, very exciting for us and unfortunately was also a little inconvenient. The kids and I went to Louisville for almost 2 weeks and then for another 2 weeks after our return, there were men working on various areas of our house at different times throughout the day. (Most often, it was nap time!) During this time, I really had to work on keeping my attitude in check. I have a problem with letting my frustration show on my face and in my attitude too often. Thankfully, Stephen was there to gently remind me of my Savior. Jesus was not about personal justice or insistence on fair treatment for Himself. So...I'm learning to grow in love for others.
I've added something to my schedule lately that I've been struggling with and trying to do for some time now. Adding anything to my schedule is a potential for nervous breakdown on my part, but this actually helps work against that I think. I've begun to work-out faithfully either early in the morning - which is my preferred time, although I'm so NOT a morning person that this hasn't become habit yet - or during the kids' nap time. I know that exercise is good for my mind and my body, and I've come to the conclusion, through some good reading and study, that it is good for my spirit as well. I read in Jerry Bridges'
The Pursuit of Holiness,
"Modern Christians, especially those in the Western world, have generally been found wanting in the area of holiness of body. Gluttony and laziness, for example, were regarded by earlier Christians as sin. Today we may look on these as weakness of will but certainly not sin. We even joke about our overeating and other indulgences instead of crying out to God in confession and repentance."
Thinking on this made me realize that I was caught in that trap myself. I am far too often guilty of failing to treat my body as a temple of the Holy Spirit. Instead, I find myself a slave to my cravings for food, sleep, and inactivity. I decided that needed to change. So...I am learning to grow in love for holiness.
More to come...