You've got it all together, right? No way! I'll tell you what, nothing could feel farther from the truth right now. Don't get me wrong, I love the holidays. Thanksgiving, Christmas...both beautiful reminders of my Savior and all He has given me. It's not the holidays that go wrong, it's me that goes wrong in the midst of the holidays.
I've been busy. We've got tons of stuff going on at church with no signs of slowing down, we've been traveling, I've been decorating, there are parties coming up, more traveling, friends are having babies, the house is a mess, oh yeah, and there are those two little people running around my house "re"-decorating and making a mess, needing to be fed, clothed, bathed, entertained, loved on, etc. Y'all, I'm overwhelmed! This doesn't come naturally to me.
I always assumed I would be a wife and a mom and as I have matured (and am still maturing) in my faith in Jesus and have learned more about God's plan for His creation, being a Godly wife and mom is what I've wanted to be more than anything else in life. But, like I said, the stuff in the job description doesn't come naturally. I'm not an organizer, not a cleaner, not a great multi-tasker, or money-handler, or meal-planner, I'm not super creative...the list could go on.
To the praise and glory of God, I'm getting better at some of these things, but it's still hard. And when I get busy, I seem to lose the things that matter most and just function. For example, my Bible intake has declined big time over the last few weeks. I've read books about God and how to better live for Him. I've attended church and been fed through the preaching of the Word. But, when I'm not spending time in the Bible and in prayer regularly, I loosen my hold on Jesus...and I feel it! I NEED HIM!
He is life for me and not only life everlasting. As my husband and pastor so committed to the Gospel and God's word, so lovingly reminded us this last Sunday, Our living Savior gives us life NOW, not just for eternity. As a follower of Christ, I have the power of the Living God at work in my life. When I dwell in Him, He will dwell in me and help me be the wife and mom I need and want to be for Him. He doesn't , "poof", make me perfect at all those things I listed before, but He gives me the strength to grow in them and thrive in spite of them. Praise God that I am not on my own!
I love you, O LORD, my strength. The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer,
my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge,
my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.
(Psalm 18:1-2), first thing during nap time is the Bible! The bathrooms can wait, the floors can wait, the dishes can wait. I wait for the LORD, my soul waits, and in his word I hope
(Psalm 130:5)!